Estelle Coombe-Heath – End Over Eating By Nourishing The Solar Plexus Chakra

During lockdown, there has been this notion that working from home causes over eating, many women have complained about their constant snacking and a nagging feeling of the fridge calling their name, their hope was not to gain the dreaded “Covid kilo’s “.

After many conversations with my clients and countless women wanting to control over this new found overeating at home dilemma, I recognised a pattern of stress response to living in uncertain times.

2020 has been the ultimate year where we have all been tested emotionally, physically, and spiritually. There is nothing like a pandemic to instil fear into nations to be felt in every singe household.

Research has shown that overeating is a symptom of dealing with stress and the fear of uncertainty, is no doubt a cause for worry and stress which ultimately creates physiological and psychological energetic blocks in the body.

Our bodies are actually composed of two bodies, first, the visible physical body we can see and experience life in and second, the invisible etheric body made up of energy centres called nadis. These nadis cross one another at different points in the body forming chakra’s where prana or life force energy flows in harmony. Emotional states of mind caused by stress can change the flow of energy in the etheric body, in turn causing energetic blocks.

The Chakra responsible for over eating, compulsive eating and eating disorders is the Solar plexus chakra located under your ribs and in the diaphragm. It is connected to our self-esteem, will power, and regulates our fears and gut instinct. This is also the centre that manages digestion, the stomach and blood sugar levels through insulin production in the pancreas. When the solar plexus is out of balance it can create a fear of being out of control, low- self-esteem, week will, poor digestion and over eating.

For us to end over eating we need to focus on managing our stress levels and nourishing the Solar Plexus chakra to restore balance in our digestive system, as well as invoking feelings of being in control, this will calm down the nervous system and the need to stress eat.

The practices described below will nourish both the solar plexus and the nervous system, they can be applied regardless if you are struggling with overeating or not.

Nourish Through Food

The foods we eat can impact our prana or life force energy. We can draw on the colours of food to balance our emotions.

Think of the colour yellow when nourishing the solar plexus , these foods include squash, corn, pineapples, yellow peppers, banana’s and sunflower seeds, spices to include are cinnamon, turmeric, ginger and camomile.

Yellow is a natural mood enhancer and can help you let go of negative patterns when it comes to food. It also helps to release low self-esteem and can calm stress and nervous tension.


To assist in moving stagnant energy, we need to move our bodies.  When working with the solar plexus, focus on movement around the core and diaphragm. Cardio is a great way to stimulate movement in the abdomen, anything that can get the heart racing can be of benefit. Yoga poses that focus on the core include twists, plank pose, warrior III pose, revolved triangle, boat pose and cobra pose

Working With The Elements

Spending time outside in the sun is a great way to restore balance in the solar plexus, sunshine also improves your sleep and reduces stress.

No sunshine, no problem, cuddling up to a warm fire allows us to burn off negative patterns mentally and emotionally.

Making a list on what is keeping us in patterns of stress or over eating can bring a lot of release, throwing that list in the fire once we are done, is a way for us to symbolically release those patterns.


Often when feeling stressed, the breath is shallow ultimately blocking the flow of energy in the body.

Using breath to move stagnant energy can be a powerful tool to improve digestion and calm down the nervous system. The Solar plexus is in the diaphragm and is affected by the way we breathe. By consciously breathing we can start to nourish the solar plexus and improve our sense of well-being. Simple abdominal breathing can be done anywhere and does not have to take long:

  1. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly (abdomen)
  2. Start by taking a slow deep breath in through the nose and notice how the belly rises
  3. Hold the breath for 5-7 seconds
  4. Gently release the breath and gently tighten your abdomen to release all air from the lungs
  5. Repeat this cycle 10 times to experience the benefits of relaxation

Final Thoughts

Patterns of over eating is a symptom that something is out of balance in your body, thoughts, or emotions. If we approach this symptom with a holistic approach, we can start managing some of the imbalances in and around our bodies. Balancing all your chakras on a regular basis will be of great benefit, however, starting with the solar plexus in times of overeating will help rebuild feelings of control around food.


 About The Author

Estelle Coombe-Heath is the #1 authority in helping career women over come binge and over eating using my signature Quit binge eating formula.

From a background in business analytics, Estelle now leads various programs on changing mindsets around eating and healthy food choices. She supports her clients to cultivate healthy eating habits and to build trust with food.

As a holistic health coach, Estelle infuses yoga, mindfulness, and energy medicine into her consultations with clients. Passionate about holistic health, she sees yoga as a therapy for the mind and soul considering herself fortunate to facilitate yoga experiences. Estelle sessions encourage clients to dive into the self-transformation that health practices like positive mindset, yoga and meditation can provide.


Download Estelle’s guide to stop over eating WITHOUT DIETING!!!

Listen to her brand new podcast : Beyond Over eating

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