Claire Dunkley from Cluzie Enterprises

Claire Dunkley from Cluzie Enterprises

Claire nursed both her parents through their battle with HIV / AIDS in the late 1980s and ’90s. Seeing first-hand the damage pharmaceuticals can have on the body when symptoms are treated over causes.

She watched her parents endure years of side effects from the drugs that were supposed to be helping them, only to have them withdraw from ALL treatments to ensure her parents had some quality of life before their deaths.

Claire then went on to be a clinical leader in the Victorian and Queensland healthcare systems and furthered her studies in radiology, gastroenterology, liver transplantation, orthopaedics, nurse and bed management with a strong focus on patient advocacy.

As the years went by, she witnessed more and more the adverse effects that a ‘cut and drug’ approach was having on the patients in her care. Her focus then became on finding a better solution.

In 2017, she found that solution – ANF (Amino Neuro Frequency) Therapy (medical device discs) and dedicated the next two years to becoming Oceania’s first fully qualified ANF Practitioner. She established a holistic clinic to treat Clients with this specialty technology as well as an academy to train other healthcare Practitioners the advanced skills to apply ANF Therapy to their patients.

ANF Therapy

The key foundational principle of ANF Therapy is to seek out and find the root cause of the issue based off the body’s hierarchy of dysfunction.

A client enters the clinic complaining of back pain. Through our assessment, we will determine the root cause of the issue and work on the highest priority (not usually the pain) which is the hidden causes below, including things like gut inflammation, lymphatic issues and emotional trauma. The sustained results we continually see come from working through all these issues, not simply fixing the symptom.

Wearable ANF Discs are applied to the patient on specific points to allow the body to self-heal and regulate itself. ANF Discs work on resetting the interrupted bio frequencies, energetic and biochemical processes in our body, much like a defibrillator resets the heart’s rhythm or frequency.

Our Unique Selling Points:

ANF therapy has such a radical impact on people’s health due to:

1)            it being available to everyone, including babies (and animals)

2)            providing rapid relief within minutes

3)            being drug and chemical free and non-invasive

4)            the sustainable long-term impact it has by working on the root cause, not the symptoms

5)            there are no side effects from the therapy other than (potentially) a welcomed detox

Nominee’s 3 Achievements (over the last 12 months)

1) Claire has helped 225 new clients this year for an average of four treatments. The clients have gone from an average of 7/10 pain to 1/10 pain once the treatment plan was completed.  Thus the clients are deeply satisfied with their results of being pain-free and having full range of mobility returning.

2) This year, Cluzie Clinic doubled the clinic hours. This means more clients are being helped with ANF Therapy. When you consider that 98% of ALL our new clients are referrals, that is a lot of raving fans telling friends about their chemical / toxin free and quick acting results. Our aim for every client in pain is to HALVE their pain within minutes of ANF Disc application. Plus, due to working on the root cause of the Client’s issue, the results are sustained, hence the average of only 4 treatments required.

3) Embedded systems and processes to support more people in more ways:

  • Created a way to support Clients unable to visit in person due to COVID restrictions and continue their healing plans.
  • Trained health practitioners around Australia in ANF Therapy by creating all of the theoretical training material into a video format thus reducing the in-person need for training courses.
  • Claire being personally trained in ‘Feel Soma’ – a fascia release based movement program enabling emotional traumas to be released.

To find out more visit:

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