Price Ebert Shares Achieving Lifelong Fitness

The two most important keys to achieving lifelong fitness are: Passion and Patience.


Passion is the major key to success in whatever you try to achieve. If you don’t want something badly enough you will always find reasons and excuses to put it off for a more convenient time, that rarely ever comes. Passion for a goal drives your soul to succeed. When you are passionate about something, it’s always on your mind whispering to you, seducing you ever closer. Your passion will constantly draw you toward your goals, in this case fitness. For me, passion is pursuing my goals even when I’m not motivated. I pursue my fitness goals like my life depends on it, because, well, it does. Passion, programs your subconscious, which is your goal striving mechanism.


The greatest enemy of success is unrealistic expectations. You must realize that success takes time and effort, there are rarely shortcuts when it comes to achieving success. Most successful journeys are the culmination of many small goals. Think of them as stairsteps to your ultimate goal, which in this case, is fitness.


There are two different kinds of fitness; Strength, of which, there are many kinds. And stamina. It’s not only possible to achieve both, but also highly desirable. So, let’s start putting all this together and formulate a plan incorporating passion and patience, to achieve our goal of lifelong fitness.

Formulating Your Plan For Success

Everyone dreams of being wonderfully fit, sometimes to the point of being superhuman. But where do you start? Let’s just assume that you’ve been bitten by the bug, and you feel very determined and passionate about beginning your fitness journey. First, determine what avenue(s) of fitness intrigue you most.

Next, find some pictures of athletes in those genres that you would like to emulate, and make a story board. Some people make a literal board. I personally put these pictures on my refrigerator and my vanity mirror, these are the two places I find to be the most important. Since diet is paramount, I want to be reminded of that fact every time I step in front of the refrigerator. Likewise, I want to be reminded of my ideal body every time I look in the mirror. You decide what works best for you. Step three, start doing your research on the exercise platform you want to pursue. Do you want to body build? If so, research that. Want to be a distance runner or triathlete? Research that, and so on. If it is in your means, hire a certified or very experienced qualified coach, to get you started on the right track and to avoid injuries.

Maybe you have a friend that has had some success in the field you are looking to pursue, who would like to have a training partner. Partners are very advantageous to achieving your goals. Fitness partnerships encourage a healthy competitive environment, and a sharing of knowledge.

The final step is formulating realistic expectations. Unrealistic expectations have doused the fires of passion, and made many people abandon their goals. This also falls under the realm of patience. Here’s a good example for you. I have a good acquaintance who was a successful track athlete in college who went on to be a competitive bodybuilder. He confided that he competed in 23 contests before he ever won his weight class. He ultimately went on to win the professional Mr. Universe title three times! He believed in himself. He knew his time would come. You see you can never achieve your goals, if you quit.

Putting Your Plan Into Action

Have you heard the story of Milo? Milo was an ancient Greek wrestler, who was, and still is, famous for his great strength. It is told, that Milo once trained for an event by carrying a bull calf across his shoulders until it became a full grown bull! Thus, becoming the father of progressive resistance. This is a good example for any athlete to steadily increase your present performance. This is why, most successful athletes, keep logbooks. You start off either slow or light, well within your present capabilities, and slowly and methodically increase either the resistance, speed, or duration of your preferred exercise. Over doing things in the beginning, is a recipe for disaster! You can burnout fast and you risk injury. In the beginning, set very achievable goals. Keep your program fun! Stimulate, don’t annihilate! In the beginning, and throughout your fitness journey, don’t worry about competing with others. Just keep competing with yourself to get a little better every day. I promise, you will be so much happier and well adjusted. Again… Patience!

In Conclusion

Pace yourself, and your goals, to stay healthy and motivated. Lifelong fitness must be fun and exhilarating. Otherwise, you will lose your passion, and you will burnout.  Or even worse, you’ll injure yourself. Your number one fitness goal should be, to stay injury free. Avoid injury setbacks at all costs. Be patience. Don’t let others coax you into testing your limits. Keep your ego in check. If an exercise hurts, don’t do it. Find a comfortable substitute. Occasionally, explore new ways of training, or even try a new sport altogether. Keep it fun! Don’t worry about being the world champion. If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen. Remember the goal is lifelong fitness! Let’s grow old and healthy together.


About The Author

Price Ebert has been a competitive bodybuilder for most of his life, despite four major setbacks, and stood on the podium of every contest he ever entered. He has been a fitness inspiration for all those around him. He committed to have superhero fitness from his earliest memories and follows through on that commitment every day of his life. Price Ebert has been a personal trainer on and off for forty years, and has been a devoted student of fitness since the age of 10. Price Ebert, now 65 currently resides in Texas and trains his wife, Mrs. Southwest USA Ambassador 2022 to be in the best health  and fitness of her life too.




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