Catherine Way Shares 3 Habits To Help You Be More Creative

Have you ever been stuck on a blank page unsure what to write, or need to find a quick solution for a problem and unsure what to do? It might be time to practice your creativity!

There are many roles and professions that can benefit from creativity. Being creative is more than arts and crafts, and can be instrumental in your career, no matter what you do! This skill when applied in business can help you find solutions, adapt to new situations and help you find inspiration and motivation.

Creativity is a skill, which like any skill the more we exercise it the better we become. By incorporating any of the following habits you may find that creative spark that takes you to the next level.

Many are quick to say they aren’t creative, but could easily tap into their creativity with some help. Thankfully these habits are easy to try and get those creative juices flowing.

Here are 3 Habits To Help You Be More Creative!


While reading might not be the most creative way to start being creative, it is a great way to start infusing creativity in your day. Reading has endless benefits, such as relaxation, increased problem solving, and you guessed it, creativity.

With a host of benefits, reading is one of the top ways you can start being more creative today. Reading can help you sleep better, improve your focus, and exercise your brain, making it better and faster at problem solving and creativity.

Reading is a great habit to help you be more creative because it is simple to incorporate into your routine. From small 5–10-minute daily reading goals, or a larger time block once a week to read, reading is a great way to flex your creative muscles!

While reading might not be the most exciting of hobbies, it is one of the easiest ways to help you be more creative. You can find solutions for problems, get lost in a day dream, or even see the world through a new perspective.  With easy to reach reading goals and endless options for what to read you can easily let your imagination soar!


One of the best ways to get the creative juices flowing? By getting up and moving around! Exercise is one of the top ways you can start being more creative.

While we all know that exercise is great for your body, you might be surprised to learn that it is also great for your mind. If you often exercise, there’s a good chance you also tend to be more creative, according to an interesting new study of the links between physical activity and imagination. It finds that active people come up with more and better ideas during tests of their inventiveness than people who are relatively sedentary.

Looking for more creative ways to be active? Group fitness classes are a great way to feel more inspired. Dance classes are another great way to get moving, learn a new skill and socialize with others, all proven to help you be more creative.

No matter how you get moving, from small walks, lifting weights, or even workout classes, exercise will get the creative juices flowing and help you be more creative.


Music is what springs to most people’s minds when they think of creativity. No matter your experience level, you can easily incorporate music and use it to inspire some creativity in your daily life.

In a recent study, music has shown to help us be more creative. Since music has been shown to improve cognition and enhance learning and memory in other studies, it makes sense that perhaps it has an impact on creative thinking, too.

Classes are a great way to add more music to your life.  Whether you want to learn to sing, play, or even write your own music, music classes are a great way to be more inspired. Take a music class, join a choir, and take an online course to learn about the wonderful world of music.

Mediation is another great way to incorporate music into your daily routine, and there are thousands of guided playlists that can help you get this sorted.

Lastly, one of the easiest ways to incorporate music into your day is through playlists. With many studies showing how music can boost creativity and focus in the workplace. Soundtracks are proven to not only help you be creative, but focused. Easily put on a themed playlist to set the tone for your workday!


No matter your profession, it’s important to improve our creativity overtime. That is why these easy habits will help you find more ways to be creative. Inspiration and motivation can be difficult to find so it is important to try new things to find our next font of inspiration.

Here are 3 Habits To Help You Be More Creative!

  • Reading
  • Exercise
  • Music

Which one of these habits will you use to get the creative juices flowing?


About The Author

Catherine Way is the Marketing Manager at Prime Plus Mortgages. She has created content for the following industries: Marketing, Real Estate, Mortgage, Finance, Business, Real Estate Investing, and many more.

Some Additional Links:

Reading has endless benefits

interesting new study





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