The Top Ten Energy Healing Awards 2023 – Mel Balment

You see, all memories create associated feelings either positive, neutral or negative and are held in our sub-conscious. Negative memories are replayed when something ‘triggers’ these feelings and energy from our past. Only when we release the negative energy attached to these feelings can we truly tap into our unrealised potential. Instead of re-living these in conventional therapies, my Cognitive Reframe Process uses a gentler approach, identifying and releasing unhelpful memories and associated emotions held with them.

My job is to help facilitate a more productive perspective, leaving you free to face the same situation again without your usual default negative behaviours and feelings. Allowing you to be free to achieve the success you’ve always wanted. I work mainly with women dealing with or recovering from toxic relationships. A lot of lack of self worth stems from childhood issues. My comprehensive and holistic approach helps them to heal the past (and even past life patterns) to re-align their current circumstances.

In the last 12 months specifically I’ve been behind the scenes supporting other coaches and healers with their own blocks and past. We all need support and I’m an avid champion for those that embrace continuous self improvement. I believe as light workers, we have a responsibility to constantly increase our own vibration and support others in our field. Humanity is in need of the shift and the collective is far more powerful that the isolated.

I’m passionate (in my 5th year now) and had slowly plodded through the learning curves and steadily shown up (pivoted where necessary) in order to serve those that most resonate with me. I know I have a purpose beyond my client base. My future Ted Talk will be about bridging the gap for spiritual and self development to be as common and as ‘acceptable’ as that of counseling and psychology.

For this reason I combine coaching with quantum healing allowing myself to be more accessible to those dipping their toe into self mastery.

Nominees Three Achievements

1. In December last year I won 2 x Bronze in the International Stevie awards for International Coach Of the Year Solepreneur Of the Year.

2. I had a significant personal injury of a major disc rupture and have healed myself in the unfathomable time of 2 months rather than 6. My ‘medical’ team around me are looking to joint venture with me to support others due to my ‘remarkable’ mindset and self acceptance of the situation.

Rather than fighting and resenting the pain, I’ve embraced the need for change and taken the time to resolve 5 centuries of persecution from past lives for myself and other light souls. Something that may not have surfaced otherwise, I wonderful gift.

In the midst I also delivered 2 immersive retreats making significant impact to every attendee. Quantum leaps of transformation and now leading examples in their social circles.

The current activity focus is delivering a collaborate day of immersion, bringing together 12 other healers to deliver a seminar style day that will have our guests departing empowered and enlightened about their future. This major event scheduled for 2020, will be raising funds for Friends With Dignity (a charity that support men and women recover from DV).

3.Launching my client portal with free resources to continue their journey independently was also a major achievement last year. Being co-dependent on a healer is not my plan for my business future.

Reaching and impacting wider and deeper is a far more sustainable model.

Ticking into my 5th year and leaving a wake of high recommendations behind me as I discreetly and steadily support those ready for their life transformation. A sustainable business is far more serving than a flash in the pan overnight disappearance.

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